Bruce writes:
> Have you tried dselect's FTP method yet? It does that update
> automaticaly.  That's why I said it's easy.

>From the dslect "help" screen:

> ftp - Install using ftp.

> Installation using ftp, you must know a ftp site and the correct
> directory for a debian distribution.

But what is the correct directory?  It doesn't seem to be documented
anywhere, and it is not self-evident from looking at the ftp site.

I have used it quite successfully, but I do not consider this evidence that
it is adequately documented.

Then there is this:

> Note: this is not part of the standard dpkg package and is more likely to
> produce errors due to differences between the Packages files that are
> downloaded during the Update phase and what the archive actually contains
> during the Install phase.

Pretty likely to scare off a newbie.
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