On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 10:15:52 -0500, Paul Serice wrote:

>Suppose, Bruce is "going to drive tomorrow to Santa Cruz (from
>Berkeley) to participate in a meeting for Debian," and on the way he
>causes an accident.  Before incorporation, no one knew how far the
>liability tail extended.  (For example, the accident occurs in a
>state that doesn't require a "joint venture" to have a pecuniary
>The attorney for the opposition would risk malpractice unless he
>joined as defendants everyone remotely associated with the project
>who would be subject to the personal jurisdiction of the court --
>which is generally anyone having minimum contacts with the state and,
>arguably, this includes just about everyone involved in the project.

Maybe it's time you come back to real.world. Before the corporation anything 
happned to bruce happened to bruce. Debian was nothing a buch of guys on the 
internet WITH NO FORMAL AFFILIATION. In the example above it would be the 
same as if Bruce decided to visit his friend, hit someone, and then his friend 
sued because he knows bruce.

Now their is a Debian Inc. to sue. Great now they CAN pull us all in and put US 
opperation of the project in jeopardy.

It was a BAD move.

>By the way, last time I checked, in all 50 states, anarchists have no
>special exemptions.

Those that chose to live outside special privleges and protections of the state 
certainly do.

BTW, when's the last time you sat down and read some statues from your state?
(Or all 50 as you claim?)

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