Hi Craig,

thanks a lot for your replay.

> for the record, i've built at least half a dozen debian systems with
> adaptec 2940 scsi controllers. with no problems. most of these are
> running linux 2.0.29 or 2.0.30.  Installing them was straight-forward,
> just boot off the boot/rescue floppy and follow the menus.

In the past I've made the same experience (with OS/2 and Linux pre 2.0.x).
That's the reason for choosing Adaptec, it's well supported.

But now I wonder, why has the Debian distribution a problem, where others
(Caldera, RedHat, Suse and Slackware) don't. I'm a first time Debian user, and
have been attracted by the excellent reputation of Debian. What would you think,
when you face such problems. Excellence or not?

Again, thanks for your replay and have a nice weekend.


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