
        As far as Debian is concerned, this is really simple. All the
 lean mean student hackers have to do is mosey over to the work needed
 document and take over packages that need work. If more people came
 on the scene, adn proved reliable (lean, mean) developers, I'm sure
 us old fogeys will hand over more of the responsibilities to them. 

        All you need to do to replace bruce is to announce yourself as
 a candidate, and convince a majority of the developers that you are
 indeed the shape of futures to come and can lead Debian where it
 needs to go. Bingo; you too can lead Debian come this christmas.

        I don't understand this need for a hiatus etc. I work for this
 entity called Debian because it pleases my muse. When it stops doing
 so, so will I. I do not need others to confer to tell me what to do
 (the only ones who can do that have to pay me). 

        Any time, lean youngsters.  But first, you have to volunteer.

 "Let us go forth not as defenders of the status quo, but as crusaders
 with a revolution idea - that government should be the servant and
 not the master of the people; that its purpose is to protect, not
 deny, each man's freedom; that the purpose of a free press is to
 liberate, not enslave the human spirit."  From the speech made by
 A. S. Hills upon taking office as President of the Inter-American
 Press Association
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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