>>"George" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

George> Age has nothing to do with it, it has to do with devoting time
George> to things that are more important in life. That and calling
George> attention to the fact that more of these energetic youngsters
George> need to get involved in the process rather than simply poke
George> shots at the leadership.

George> Just wondering if a more structured method of identifying
George> prospective developers and mentoring them into the mainstream
George> might be worthwhile.

        I think one of the primary qualities that make Debian what it
 is (or Linux or GNU software in general) is that it is a volunteer
 effort. The keyword is volunteer. People are not shanghaied or
 recruited, they are self motivating and genuinely interested in what
 they are doing. If they don't have the self motivation, or they do
 not come of their own accord, they won't last very long. Being a
 volunteer can be pretty thankless and frustating at times; if the
 will to join does not spring from inside, it is worse than useless to
 impose/recruit/identify and mentor them.

        Debian is not really a place where you are taught to be all
 you can be; you have to do that yourself.

        As I said before; anytime; you enrgetic potential lean mean
 developers. Just anytime at all.

 Your boss is thinking about you.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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