> Please tell me: Does stable mean not-changing or not-segfaulting?

For the most part, it means "non-changing".  While it would be nice to
fix each package with a problem, doing so always runs the risk of breaking
other packages on the system.  Verifying the integrity of the system as a
whole is far more difficult than verifying a single package.  For this reason,
updates to "stable" are rare.

They are especially rare in this case because Hamm marks such a major change
(with libc6 and all).  Thus, fixes are very hard to propogate back to Bo
and are in even more danger of breaking the larger picture.

                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less travelled by,
 And that has made all the difference.  ("The Road Not Taken" -- Robert Frost)

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