
According to Civ Kevin F. Havener:
> You would think, at least in the case of bash, a bash 2.01 (or whatever) 
> would be compiled against libc5 and put in the bo-updates tree.  This 
> orphaning of the 1.3 tree sorta ticks me off.  Since the kernel fiasco 
> (2.0.30) had already occurred for the very same reason, and since we've 
> gone through the new version naming upheaval to accomodate CD 
> manufacturers and otherwise promote commercialization of the 
> distribution, it's disheartening to see the mad rush to release debian 
> 2.0.  It seems to me they ought to try to wait for 2.0 until Linus thinks a 
> 2.2.x kernel is ready.  (Of course, since I don't follow the kernel 
> development, the debian developers probably know something I don't.)  I see 
> a real possibility that the stable Debian distribution is going to be 
> quite unstable in the coming year+, so I'd like a rock solid 1.3 point of 
> departure.

Why not not installing libc6 coexisting with libc5, as described by Scott
EllisĀ“ Mini-Howto which is weekly (?) posted on this list. It proved to
be painless for me and has bash-2.01. It is a rather small step, making
my system in no way "unstable".

I can understand the developers, that - once they decided to make the
big move to libc6 - see no possibilty to maintain two versions of the same
package. This has nothing to with "commercialization" or a "mad rush".
Are you a volunteer? If not, then please be a little more calm... 

Bye kws

P.S. Is it safe to install slang0.99.38_0.99.38-2.6.deb from hamm 
coexisting with the libc5 version? Is slang0.99.34_0.99.38-2.6.deb (from
hamm) still libc5? It should be mentioned in the Mini-Howto.

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