Addressed to: Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              Debian <>

** Reply to note from Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Fri, 26 Sep 1997
13:19:49 -0400 (EDT)
> On Fri, 26 Sep 1997, Lawrence Lucier wrote:
> > The Rescue/Base installation refuses to install LILO on my system.
> What steps did you take to get here? The installation should be nearly
> complete at this point. You made partitions, installed and configured the
> kernel and drivers, installed and configured the base system?

I can totally complete the floppy base installation except for the part
where the installation procedure is supposed to install LILO but refuses
to do so.

> So, what were the steps you followed to install LILO,

Just worked my way through the floppy based installation procedure....

> and what error
> messages, if any, did you recieve?

sbin/dinstall:  /target/sbin/lilo  not found!

> > The boot disk refuses to
> > boot up because, AFAIK, LILO isn't installed on the harddrive.
> The boot disk does not depend on LILO or the hard drive to boot up the
> kernel. You will need a "valid" root file system for the kernel to mount
> before the boot up can complete.
>   Changed
> > the reference in
> > SYSLINUX.CFG on the floppy boot disk to:
> >
> > APPEND root=/dev/fd0 ro
> >
> No root file system here ;-)

No that's true but if the floppy drive is given as root, the boot floppy
installation procedure will pause and ask you to insert a root floopy disk.
>From the docs, I gathered the impression that the root disk generated from
the root.bin file qualified as a valid root file system. Unfortunatly, a
kernal warning is generated when using this method and so I can't even boot
this way either.

 > > > from > >
> > APPEND root=/dev/hda6 ro
> >
> If this is actually where you installed the base system, what are the
> other partitions like?

OS/2 Boot Manager, (primary)DOS, (extended)OS/2 HPFS, Linux and Linux swap.

>(BTW, LILO will not install on an extended
> partition AFAIK)

Hmmmm........I looked through the docs for this kind of limitation but
didn't see anything that pointed to this fact.  Will be checking this out
again though.

 > >  > When prompted for the root floppy I used the file image
floppy > generated by ROOT.BIN......still
> > the system won't boot.

> >
> This is a compressed image and is typically uncompressed on a RAM disk, so
> the arguments passed to the kernel are more complex than what you have
> used. When using loadlin for this task the command line looks like:
>       loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=root.bin
> If you use APPEND and have used rawrite2.exe to put the root.bin image
> onto a floppy, you probably want to change the initrd to =/dev/fd0.

Ahhh.......OK, thanks for the tip! :-)

> > OK, I thought did I, no problem, I will just do a LILO manual install
> with the LILO_19-2.deb
> > file I grabbed off the Debian site and tweak it from there.  Read the
> information on dpkg and
> > dselect in the debian and install docs.........booted the Rescue floppy
> and went into the shell.
> So, you can boot the rescue floppy!

The rescue disk is part of the floppy based install, along with the driver
disk and the 4 1.44 base image disks. Booting with the rescue disk is no's the boot disk that won't proceed past a certain point.
It goes fine until just after the partition check....heres' the screen
output from there on:

Partition check:
hda: hda1 <hda5 hda6 hda7> hda2 hda3
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.

After these lines are displayed, the boot will proceed no further.

> and look at and modify files on that > partition, but you don't have
access > to any tools not available at > installation time. This means you
can't run > dpkg/dselect from the rescue > disk. >

Ahhh......OK thanks for clearing that up. :-)

> Before we can do much more for you, we will need some details of the
> installation as well as the failures you experienced.

Basically it's just a matter of the installation procedure not installing  
LILO which then necessitates the utilization of the boot floppy (made by the
installation procedure) as an alternative means of booting the system.
Alas, even the boot floppy refuses to cooperate! <g>

Thanks for your reply and will ttyl.......:-)

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