I just read through all of the Mouse-related mail I have saved up, and I
did not see an answer to this, though I did see one related comment.

I am using AcceleratedX and attempting to use a MouseSystems optical
mouse.  The mouse has a serial connector and a PS/2 adaptor (which was
given the thumbs-down in one of those messages), and I am attempting to
use it on the PS/2 port of my Tyan motherboard.

It works, using /dev/psaux, as a pointing device.

But the middle button does not work, unless I use Chord Middle for the
Mouse Buttons setting (equivalent to XFree settings). I have the
protocol set to PS/2, by the way.

Has anyone ever gotten anything like this configuration to work with all
3 buttons functioning?

I checked the Howto for 3-button mice, but it appears to cover serial
mice only, and I had used to use this mouse in serial mode with no
problem (different computer, different serial port usage, now not an
easy option).

Any assistance appreciated

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