On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Stuart Krivis wrote:

> For example, I can get a new Caldera install up and on the net within
> minutes. Debian was not so accommodating. No modem. No modemtool app. No
> LISA. Ok, MAKEDEV cua1. Dial... connected... ping junior.apk.net   ---
> network unreachable

Hi Stuart,

I have used LISA in the caldera linux distribution. 

IMHO, There is one tiny problem with LISA..... It shields you the nitty
gritty internal works of linux. And... you can only use lisa on a

Example, to change the hostname, you could do that with lisa. But the
truth is, you could easily edit /etc/HOSTNAME and it would give you the
same effect. Please note that this apply not only to linux but other
variants of unix as well. So knowing this is a very big advantage for you. 

Although it would be a bit hard to learn linux system administration at
first, it would really pay off in the long run. If you have any questions,
search for it in the web or ask it here.


                 Andre M. Varon         Lasaltech Incorporated
                 Technical Head         Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
                 e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 web page: http://www.lasaltech.com/andre.html

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