On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, Ted Harding wrote:
> ...
> I'd argue,  in the *nix fashion,  that a bunch of little,  specific,
> WELL-DOCUMENTED admin tools is better -- one for net,  smail,  sendmail,
> etc... A great example is the "tzconfig" script -- it's small,  does it's
> work well,  and doesn't involve tremendous overhead or hours of work to
> understand.

This is also better for debian, because every package comes with its own
config tool. That way, the config tool can be specific enough for the

But: In my opinion it should be acessible through dselect. Not just once
when installing, but always. You'd step through the package you want to
configure it. Maybe you can see the actual configuration there without
having to run the script actually.

But probably they did that already in the diety project in hamm. They're
doing a lot of work on that.

Lukas Eppler (godot)
                                                  talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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