On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> I am getting error/warnings on both bo and hamm boxes after installing
> 2.0.31.  Anybody else having trouble with it?

Yes. In fact, I had so much troubles with it I am now back to 2.0.30. I
had two problems that caused hardware not to be detected properly:

1. If I compiled support for my 3COM 3c509 card as a module, the module
didn't want to be loaded at all. I got an error about a symbol 'io' that
was missing or something like that. If I compiled it into the kernel there
was nothing wrong with it.
2. My CD-ROM drive would not be detected at all. It is /dev/hdd and when
the IDE-probing gets to hdd, a lot of garbage is displayed and no drive is
found. The boot process continues normally.

I have two network cards, a 3c509 and a NE2000-compatible. My CD-ROM drive
is a Mitsumi double-speed drive with IDE interface. They don't give any
problems with kernels before 2.0.31 (I started using Linux when 2.0.25 was


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