On Thu, Oct 23, 1997 at 04:54:23PM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Oct 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Forget it. Get the kernel-package*.deb Install it, and use it (read the
> > doc!) Here is a hint:
> > 
> > # make menuconfig
> > # make-kpkg -r custom_1.0 kernel_image
>                      ^^^^^
>                      don't
> > # cd ..
> > # dpkg -i <the name of the created debfile>
> > # lilo
> Some corrections; this is from /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz:
>   ..
>  For the Brave and the impatient:
> 1% cd <kernel source tree>
> 2% make config   # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and configure
> 3% make-kpkg clean
> 4% make-kpkg -r=custom.1.0 kernel_image
> 5% dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_<arch>.deb
> 6% shutdown -r now # If and only if LILO worked or you have a means of
>                    # booting the new kernel. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
>   ..
> You should _not_ use a "_" in the revision number! As tempting as it may
> seem, it actually interferes with the policy.

[worthful information snipped]

Yes, you are right, my fault, sorry everyone.

I hope I wrote a disclaimer under my actual post, that it was from memory,
and that memory fails. This was the case :)

I shouldn't write mail from university, where I can't refer to my home
system. (No debian in university yet, they use HP as a central server.
I wonder why.)


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Marcus Brinkmann

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