
On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Jason Bauer wrote:

> I've been trying for about a week to get sound to work to no avail. I am
> running kernel 2.0.30 with sound compiled as a module. The error I get
> (when i get an error.. with xplaymidi it just acts like its playing but
> no sound comes out) is "/dev/audio: No such device or address". There
> are 2 possibilities of where I can be going wrong.
> #1 Wrong Sound Card
> I have (according to the manual) an "ISP=16v3 audio board". I don't see
> that anywhere in the kernel config or the hardware how-to doc. Inside
> the manual is says it is compatible with Adlib, Soundblsater, MS Win
> sound System, General MIDI. It has a YAMAHA OPL3 FM Synthesiser. I've
> tried soundblaster, with OPL3, without OPL3, just OPL3.. When i boot
> into Win95 it says it has MPU-401 interface so I tried that with and
> without the above options and it still doesn't work. Does anyone out
> there have experiance with this sound card or can tell me which one to
> choose

There is no soundblaster compatible card on the market. Believe it.
If you dont believe me, open your computer and tell me if there is a chip
from creative labs on the card. There isnt? So, you see? Good.

1) Is it a PnP card? Then you need to install the ISA PnP tools
(isapnptools*.deb). And you have to configure it. Read the docs.

2) I dont know your card. Perhaps others do. Read the Sound-HOWTO.
It is in /usr/doc/HOWTO, if you install the doc-linux{-text} package.

Read it.
Read it carefully.
Read it a second and a third time. (I mean what I say).
> #2 Simply not compiling and/or installing module correctly.
> As i said before, i have sound set as a module. Here are the steps i go
> through when i am trying the different options:
> make xconfig
> make dep
> make clean
> make modules
> make modules_install
> reboot

Forget it. Get the kernel-package*.deb Install it, and use it (read the
doc!) Here is a hint:

# make menuconfig
# make-kpkg -r custom_1.0 kernel_image
# cd ..
# dpkg -i <the name of the created debfile>
# lilo

the last only if you use lilo. I dont know if it will be run from dpkg,
but it doesnt hurt to do it explicitly.

Then cross your finger


> Is that correct?? I've been reading about depmod but I don't know what
> its purpose is or when I would use it. All of this is done as root. If
> it matters i boot off of a floppy.

No nned for that.

If you have a pnp card, install sound as module.

Oh, did you load the module?

Append "sound" to /etc/modules to do this automagically at boot time or
run "insmod sound" manually.

depmod is done automagically.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask, but read the Sound-HOWTO
first. It is very important for you.


> Jason Bauer
> Guru 23 Computing Services
> You break it, We fix it!

Ok, I break it, you fix it.

All I wrote is from memory, which is condemned to fail sometimes.
insert your favourite disclaimer.


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