On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Glenn Amerine wrote:

> >>>>> "M" == M W Blunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     M> On 27 Oct 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>     >>  What problems are term limits supposed to solve, exactly?
>     M> They prevent the voters from re-electing someone that due to
>     M> his entrenchment in the system, has more power than a freshman
>     M> would have.  Greedy and self serving voters vote for the
>     M> incumbant not because is better for the larger comunity, but
>     M> because he can use the power for the people that voted for
>     M> them.
> What power does Bruce have that someone running against him wouldn't
> have? 
>     M> This is especially prevelant in US politics.  For example, it
>     M> would be very difficult to beat Ted Kennedy in an election, as
>     M> he has enough power from the committees he chairs and the votes
>     M> he can trade with his other cronies that it would cost his
>     M> state a lot of money if he were replaced by someone else.
> You just made a HUGE leap my friend. US Government and Debian are more
> than a tad different. (Hey Bruce, I'll vote for you if you make sure
> jobs get generated in my district from that Debian powered power plant
> ;-}).

No, I didn't.  I answered the question; I didn't say my view was that
Debian is like the US government.

>     M> Hopefully the members of the Debian board is not motivated by
>     M> self serving reasons, and are smarter that the typical
>     M> American.
> Most Americans realize they all ready have term limits. They are
> called elections. When it comes to US positions, sure the Incumbents
> have an advantage due to the money and influence they can shift around
> during election time. You have a pretty weak argument if you are
> saying this applies to Debian like it does in the US Government.

Actually, term limits are not very common.  I hoped to show exactly
what you have concluded; term limits are not needed by Debian.

> This is not a yes or no on Ted Kennedy, but if he was doing that bad
> of a job wouldn't he have been out of office a long time ago?

Again, not a yes or no on Ted Kennedy, but if he was doing that bad of
a job, in my opinion, he would continue to be re-elected by people more
concerned about getting a larger portion of the federal funds for them
than having legistion that is proper.  If the use of Kennedy bothers
you, please feel free to substitute Jesse Helms, as the arguements are
equally valid for him.


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