>>"M" == M W Blunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

M> On 27 Oct 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>  What problems are term limits supposed to solve, exactly?

M> They prevent the voters from re-electing someone that due to his
M> entrenchment in the system, has more power than a freshman would
M> have.  Greedy and self serving voters vote for the incumbant not
M> because is better for the larger comunity, but because he can use
M> the power for the people that voted for them.

        So, you are arguing that Debian developers are too stupid to
 elect someone on merit, and we like people who have been elected
 already mindlessly. Unlike general election, the larger campaign war
 chest of an incumbent does not apply on the mailing lists. 

        Use the  power for people who voted for him --- (bruce
 supports his constituency by giving people *yet* more unpaid work and
 responsibilitites. Darn. That doesn't work. Bruce takes away juicy
 packages and gives them to his cronies. Ummm. Bruce rewards cronies
 by giving them less work, so they aer no longer developers. Ooops).

M> This is especially prevelant in US politics.  For example, it would
M> be very difficult to beat Ted Kennedy in an election, as he has
M> enough power from the committees he chairs and the votes he can
M> trade with his other cronies that it would cost his state a lot of
M> money if he were replaced by someone else.

        This. Is. Not. US. Politics.

M> Hopefully the members of the Debian board is not motivated by self
M> serving reasons, and are smarter that the typical American.

        You think the congress can put together a distribution like


 HOFSTADTER'S LAW: Everything takes longer and costs more than
 expected, even when taking into account Hofstadter's Law.
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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