>>"Ignus" == Ignus Fast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ignus> I am still having a lot of trouble!  I have no trouble running:
Ignus> 'make xconfig', followed by
Ignus> 'make kpkg-clean',

        This is the wrong order. Try 
 make-kpkg clean, 
        followed by
 make xconfig

Ignus> 'make-kpkg -r custom.1.0 kernel_image'
Ignus> 'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb'

        This makes and installs the modules for you. You are
 done. make-kpkg does more than you thought ;-)

Ignus> 'make  modules' 'make modules_install'

        This may be your problem. You compiled and installed a kernel
 and modules, and you then clobbered modules with another set. *Don't*
 do this. The .deb file is all you need.

Ignus> to create a custom kernel boot disk.  But I tried specifying
Ignus> mouse/serial/parallel support as modules, and during boot the
Ignus> system bitches that there are no modules/drivers available.
Ignus> Then the systems init xdm and the screen goes black (though the
Ignus> computer still responds to keyboard input.)

Ignus> If anyone has any additional help, I'd greatly appreciate it!

        Hope this helps

 "If anything can go wrong, it will." Edsel Murphy
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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