Þann 31-Oct-97 skrifar Pere Camps:
> Orn,
>       Perl doesn't complain anymour if I unset LC_CTYPE, but bash does.
> It doesn't let me put latin-1 characters.
  I have...


  ...and just tried bash.  It allowed me to enter accented characters.
Even tried with LANG set to es_ES, no problem there either.  Are you sure
your locale data is correct?

try this code...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale.h>

  printf("Locale is %s\n", setlocale(LC_ALL, ""));
  printf("The uppercase of ñ = %c\n", toupper('ñ'));

...with LC_ALL set to "es_ES".  If it displays the correct upper case
character Ñ, then your LC_CTYPE is set correctly.  Else, note what
it says your locale is.

>>   But I think changing "ISO_8859_1" to "iso_8859_1" would do the
>> trick.

  Try combinations, like "iso-8859-1".

Orn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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