
>   ...and just tried bash.  It allowed me to enter accented characters.

        Just tried again, with this setings:

export LC_ALL=es_ES
export LC_MESSAGES=es_ES
export LANG=es_ES

        And it didn't work.
> try this code...

        Ok. With:

export LC_ALL=es_ES
export LC_MESSAGES=es_ES
export LANG=es_ES

        Everything ok.

export LC_CTYPE=ISO_8859_1
export LC_MESSAGES=es_ES
export LANG=es_ES

        With this, it doesn't work (the program). But funny, it's the only
setting that lets me put accented charaters in bash...

> >>   But I think changing "ISO_8859_1" to "iso_8859_1" would do the
> >> trick.
>   Try combinations, like "iso-8859-1".


        Well, at least now we know that is bash that is not configured all
right and not perl.

        Thanks for your help!

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