On Tue, 4 Nov 1997 Oleg Krivosheev ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Pere Camps wrote:
>> Oleg,
>> > are 3dfx based - check diamond monster 3d.
>> > you'll have accelerated OpenGL under
>> > Linux and Windows and can play
>> > GLQuake with decent frame rate.
>>      Does the monster need a 2D card, or can it provide 2D graphics as
>> well?
>i believe you have to have 2D card as well.
>Any cheap (~$50) S3 card will do it.
>My friend just bought diamond monster 3d
>and will install debian in a couple of days.
>I'll inform you about the results

        The 3Dfx cards are passthru, i.e., they only supply 3D
capabilities. They rely on a 2D card being installed in the machine
and an external cable connects the two. I have one in my PC, along
with a Millenium I, and had no trouble with Debian and it coexisting
peacefully. Debian was installed before I installed my Monster 3D, but
I doubt it would make a difference. As far as I can tell Linux
completely ignores my 3Dfx based Monster 3D.
        Oleg is correct in that any cheap 2D card will do,
unfortunately, as far as I know, that's all Linux uses so you're
likely to be unhappy with the Linux/X video performance if you have a
cheap 2D card.
        Does anyone know of a GL library that takes advantage of the
3Dfx under Linux? It'd be great to display GL apps running on my SGI
workstation at work on my PC at home but as far as I know SGI's are
the only platform with full GL support.

Gary Hennigan

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