Dale wrote:
> ...
> The list price of book is $37.95.  Some stores discount it.  As to its
> value --- yes, you can find Debian cheaper.  However, both a useful
> book and 30 days of technical support are included with the product.
> We aren't aware of any other companies offering support with their
> Debian release.
> ...

I was not aware of the 30 day tech support offer either and I was aware of the 
Debian Book (as I presume would be the case for anyone subscribed to 

BTW, RedHat at least did offer tech support for their version when purchased 
from RedHat.  I purchased my RedHat
Linux from RedHat for a couple of hundred dollars (the bulk of the expense was 
for ApplixWare and other products.
At the time I considered the price reasonable (after all the AT&T Unix that I 
have was in the Kilo-Bucks).

The usefulness of this RedHat technical support for me however, proved to 
worthless.  Tech support registration and
receipt of 'trouble tracking numbers' turned out to be the only part of their 
system that functioned.  NO email response beyond the auto-responders was ever 
received -- no 
questions, no suggestions, nada!

The users list provided some suggestions, none of which helped but still there 
was an attempt by other users.
Finally, I received the ONE suggestion that worked, from another user 
experiencing the same sort of problems that
I was experiencing....
                Switch to debian!!
That worked!


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