On Mon, Nov 17, 1997 at 06:18:34PM +0100, Peter Prohaska wrote:
> do I have to put the FQDN in here?

In /etc/hostname, you just have to put the machine name, not the FQDN, eg

>  And where is that information used for if I've got that /etc/hosts file
> to handle local lookups.

/etc/hosts contains, for each line, the IP address, space, the FQDN,
space, the machine name (special case: localhost which must
always be there)

>  If I have two inferfaces with different IP-adds, it is also possible that
> my host is known with two different names, isn't it? So whats his hostname
> then?

The hostname is the name you put in /etc/hostname; /etc/hosts is for hosts

                Olivier Tharan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Volume in Drive C:  TOO_LOUD!

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