Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
> The problem is that linking a program with both libc6 and librarys linked
> with libc5 will produce problems.  Programs that are linked this way
> should have bugs filed against them if they haven't been already.  Yes you
> need to purge and reconstruct your development environment, but it isn't
> impossible or even difficult to live with both c librarys.
  That is most likely true... but as a user, who want's to have a libc6
system.  Wouldn't it me more normal, to have the packages all developed
and linked to libc6 libraries, and provide libc5-compat libraries as an
extra (in hamm, that is), just to be able to run old programs?  The blended
environment that has been there for a while, is a little problematic IMHO.

Orn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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