On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Orn E. Hansen wrote:

> Þann 18-Nov-97 skrifar Scott Ellis:
> > 
> > The problem is that linking a program with both libc6 and librarys linked
> > with libc5 will produce problems.  Programs that are linked this way
> > should have bugs filed against them if they haven't been already.  Yes you
> > need to purge and reconstruct your development environment, but it isn't
> > impossible or even difficult to live with both c librarys.
> > 
>   That is most likely true... but as a user, who want's to have a libc6
> system.  Wouldn't it me more normal, to have the packages all developed
> and linked to libc6 libraries, and provide libc5-compat libraries as an
> extra (in hamm, that is), just to be able to run old programs?  The blended
> environment that has been there for a while, is a little problematic IMHO.

That's exactly what we're working on doing.  The problem is that we aren't
finished with it quite yet, it is time consuming to recompile over 1000
different packages.  Hamm will be as close to fully libc6 if we can make
it, but we aren't there yet.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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