On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Zach Wilkes wrote:

> okay.. I've gotten my chat script to dial and connect.. pppd gets my
> ip and gets the ip of the remote system.. my resolv.conf looks good
> (from what I can tell), hosts looks good according to the ppp-howto.. 
> but, after all this.. after I'm sure it should work great.. I get
> "network is unreachable" errors..   nslookup knows which nameservers
> it's looking for but it just cant reach them..  is there some special
> program I have to run in order for programs to use the ppp connection??
>        Zach

what does the output of the "/sbin/route" command say?  If it doesn't
include a line beginning with "default" and ending with "ppp0" then you
need to add the option "defaultroute" to your /etc/ppp.options_out.
(Assuming that you're using the supplied debian "pon" command to start

For reference, my /etc/ppp.options_out contains:
bsdcomp 15 crtscts defaultroute noipdefault /dev/modem 38400 modem

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  • pppd Zach Wilkes
    • Daniel Martin

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