I picked up Debian Linux on the Boot magazine CD-ROM, and have been 
trying for a couple of days to get it working the way I want it too, with 
little success.  
What's the deal with xdm?  My understanding was that that was the program 
used to login under X, without having to login from a console and then 
issue a startx command.  During installation I told the program I wanted 
to start X with xdm; I see a message when I boot about xdm being started, 
and then I log in to a console.  Then if I try to use startx like I'm 
used to, I get a bunch of error messages about some missing socket thing 
(I'm not at home right now so I can't quote the exact error), then I get 
an error message about not finding xinit.  Anybody know what I did wrong, 
or what I need to do?

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