If startx doesn't work neither will xdm.  When you say you
used startx "like you're used to" do you mean after you
installed Debian or under some other Linux disribution?  If
you have had startx work with Debian then you need to figure
out what happened to make X stop working.  If you get startx
working you can edit /etc/X11/config to enable xdm at

If you can be more specific about the errors you're getting
when you startx, someone on this list will help you.


> I picked up Debian Linux on the Boot magazine CD-ROM, and have been
> trying for a couple of days to get it working the way I want it too, with
> little success.
> What's the deal with xdm?  My understanding was that that was the program
> used to login under X, without having to login from a console and then
> issue a startx command.  During installation I told the program I wanted
> to start X with xdm; I see a message when I boot about xdm being started,
> and then I log in to a console.  Then if I try to use startx like I'm
> used to, I get a bunch of error messages about some missing socket thing
> (I'm not at home right now so I can't quote the exact error), then I get
> an error message about not finding xinit.  Anybody know what I did wrong,
> or what I need to do?

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