>Basically, I'm considering rebuilding the kernel to add in some things
>I'm missing (sound) and removing some things that I don't need (SCSI
>support, for one).

Good call !

>I've read all the howtos and got all the files, so I'm pretty sure I
>have a good idea of how to do it (but I'm open to suggestions, if anyone
>has them).

Ahhh... Someone who RTFM's... <grin>....

Basically, you wanna run:
cd /usr/src/linux
make mrproper   (the first time after you install a new kernel version)
make menuconfig
make dep ; make clean
make zImage
make modules
make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/zImage /boot

Then, edit /etc/modules and remove/add modules as required based on your
choices in building the new kernel.

>From here, you've got to update your /etc/lilo.conf file...  I suggest
keeping your existing kernel in place and setting up to boot your new one as
an alternate.  (At least, first time around....)

Here's how to do this... (I'm sure others will criticize/comment -
everyone's got their own way of doing this...)

cd /boot
mv zImage current
cd /etc
ae lilo.conf
   (change delay to "delay=50" and add the following two lines...)
   (this should respond with...)
   Added Linux *
   Added Current
   (if you get errors, then there's a problem with lilo.conf... try again,
or let me know.)

Now, you can reboot.  When you see LILO on the screen just after POST, hit
LEFT-SHIFT and type in "current" (no quotes, of course).  (You can also hit
TAB to get a list of available boot options....)

Note the * above?  That's the kernel image that will boot by default....

>My problem is this - my &*$#&$ laptop manual doesn't say what the
>settings of my ESS688 sound chip are (IRQ, Mem base, etc). And I no
>longer have any other OS on my machine (I dived into Linux head
>first...), so I have no easy way of running a program to find out. The
>menuconfig script is asking me for these settings (obviously)...if I
>provide the wrong numbers, will the machine boot (without sound), or
>will it completely crash? And if I supply the wrong numbers, will I have
>to recompile the kernel again, or are their config files that can be

No problem here... If you select wrong settings and they get compiled in,
you'll just end up with no sound.... At worst, it might not boot, but that's
why your new kernel is setup as an alternate - it's easy to reboot and go
back to the main (original) kernel, and try again....

Best of luck!  Let me know if you need any further help/have any further


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