On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Charles Read wrote:

> [BTW, I've concluded that unless
> you find a PCL printer with PostScript capability,
> you're stuck with either one that works really well
> under Win95 (PCL) or one that works really well
> under Linux (PostScript).].

PCL is HP not Win95. Or, in other words, there are plenty of Win95
printers that print PostScript. I've used many different printers (HP4,
HP4 with ps, Epson something, TI laserwriter (postscript), and a new
bubblejet) with linux and find they all preform properly. Do you use
magicfilter? I tried apsfilter and found too much baggage in the setup. I
switched to magicfilter (which doesn't have the greatest setup either -
rather than asking the installer if it can overwrite the generic printcap,
if it sees one there already it just exits. If you install it, move your
existing printcap elsewhere) and it works great. On printers without
postscript, it uses gs. Anyway, if you do (or will) use magicfilter and
are having problems, let me know and I will try to help. Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
School of Policy Studies Building, Room 309, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6 (613)545-6000x4219   

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