Hammish wrote,
> On Wed, Nov 26, 1997 at 02:15:49PM +0600, Rick Hawkins wrote:
> > They work wonderfully.  I have a k6-166 running at 210/83 quite happilly.  
> > However, it needs some cooling at this speed; until i get something more 
> > than 
> > this cheesy $2 fan, I need to keep the side off to compile (but not at 
> > 166/66).
> What, it runs fine at 166 without a fan at all?
> I run mine at 180/60 (best this board can do) but not without
> a fan thanks ...

For all intents and purposes, yes.  It's ina full tower case, so the silly 
little fand that cames with ti slides down about 1/5 the chip before catching 
on the socket.

With just that fan (which is close to "without"), it ran fine at 2.5x66=166, 
including compiling the kernel.  And it would run at 2x83 without a problem.

Adding heat sink compound and a fan in the lower case, along with a cassette 
case to prop the fan to cover the whole chip, and it's happy at 2.5x83 = 210.  
However, if i close the case, it sig11's a while into kernel compiles (and 
when I remove that side of the case, i can feel the extra heat.)

I have another fan waiting to install in the upper case, though i'm toying 
with mouting it between the upper & lower, or using cardboard to force the 
airpat teo the bottom. (or a 3d fan when i get a chance to pick one up, to do 
both).  IO'm also toyin with reversing the flow on the lower fan to blow out 
instead of in, as the heat buildup is noticable.

And I'm planning on getting a hard-core fan for the cpu, but before i figured 
that out, one morning ULN was offering the 166 for $99, and i snapped it up 
before they changed their mind (the next day, i think).

> Mind you I think my Quantum HD runs hotter than the CPU.

Gee, I haven't picked one of those yet :)  I'm thinking of the 7.0 or 8.4 
maxtor.  Currently, it's running with 4 wold western digital drives from the 
attempt to make a linux server (the hardware guy who was supporting this has 
left :(  ).  410 mb on /, 500 on /usr, 200b on /usr/src, and another 200 
waiting . . .

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