On Fri, Dec 05, 1997 at 02:45:03PM -0500, Steve Kostecke wrote:
> Ref: Hamm (Sun Nov 30 22:00:00 UTC 1997), Apache 1.3b3-3, PHP/FI 2.0b10-5
> I'm a bit confused as to how to make Apache use the PHP/FI module.  The
> docs seem to suggest that I must recompile Apache.  ...?
> FWIW I've been able to use php.cgi

There is a dynamic module (.so) for Apache if you use the precompiled
PHP/FI package. I'm not sure which versions of Apache it works with though;
I have used it with 1.1.

You can set up MIME handlers in your srm.conf so that you can access
.phtml documents directly without the /cgi-bin/php.cgi/path business,
even without the module. You only need the module for speed.

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