On Mon, Dec 08, 1997 at 06:51:29AM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
> I've got to get a new modem for a Debian machine.  My requirements
> are that it be one of the Rockwell 56k standard ones, of course, that it
> do fax, and I'd like it to be able to handle voice.  What I'd really
> love is to set up a voice mailbox system on my Debian box.
>    So I was wondering, is there any such software for Debian to allow me
> to use a voice modem and set up such a mailbox system?  Also, does
> anyone have any recommendations of particular modems which would meet my
> specs above?  I'd appreciate any input; thanks in advance.

mgetty has (or used to have) voice extensions, called vgetty. It used
to be in a debian package but that was before mgetty 1.0 was released,
and the voice code wasn't finished, so it wasn't in mgetty 1.0.
I don't know if it is back in mgetty or Debian since then.

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