Sten Anderson wrote:
> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > These messages do not indicate a fatal error, only that you haven't
> > installed these X extensions. If you're using your own .xinitrc,
> > are you sure that the last command uses 'exec' rather than just
> > running a program? This would cause the X server to immediately exit.
> It is NOT necessary for the last command to be started with exec. In
> fact, exec should only be used on the window manager, and only if that
> is the last command in .xinitrc. The problem is more likely the use of
> &'s. Every program started in .xinitrc should have & appended EXCEPT
> the window manager.

That's true. But let's clarify this then. The last command in the
.xinitrc file *cannot* exit before the X server is supposed to exit.
This can be achieved by either

  o running the last command with 'exec' (IMO more efficient since it
    doesn't leave a sleeping process around which doesn't need to
    be there)

  o run the last program without putting it "in the background"
    (and don't run a program which runs quickly and then exits,
    e.g. xsetroot)

Jens B. Jorgensen

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