At 04:32 PM 12/10/97 +0100, Sten Anderson wrote:
>"Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> These messages do not indicate a fatal error, only that you haven't
>> installed these X extensions. If you're using your own .xinitrc,
>> are you sure that the last command uses 'exec' rather than just
>> running a program? This would cause the X server to immediately exit.
>It is NOT necessary for the last command to be started with exec. In
>fact, exec should only be used on the window manager, and only if that 
>is the last command in .xinitrc. The problem is more likely the use of
>&'s. Every program started in .xinitrc should have & appended EXCEPT
>the window manager. 
Well, that's right. All the commands in my .xinitrc script end in & except
for the one loading the window manager.  Thanks.


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