On 19-Dec-97 Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
>Are you really, really sure you did not forget the space after those two 
>slashes. I use the command almost every day and it works just fine. However, 
>if if type

Yep, I'm absolutely certain - I entered:

startx  --   :1

the only spaces were between x and -- and between -- and :1
three tokens, and I just re-tried to be absolutely certain.  Oops,
this time I ran as root and voila, it worked!  So I tried it again as
myself, and once again it failed, go figure!
>startx --:1
>        ^^^-- note, no space after the second slash
>I get the same error as you about X already being active for display 0.
>The two slashes mean that there are no more arguments to the startx script 
>and all the following arguments should be passed to the X server. In this 
>case the X server is started as
>X :1
>and it starts on VC8.
>// Heikki
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Mary bought a pair of skates
upon the ice to frisk
now wasn't that a crazy way
her sweet young *?

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