Ralph Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep, I'm absolutely certain - I entered:
> startx  --   :1
> the only spaces were between x and -- and between -- and :1
> three tokens, and I just re-tried to be absolutely certain.  Oops,
> this time I ran as root and voila, it worked!  So I tried it again as
> myself, and once again it failed, go figure!

That's, hmm, interesting :) About the only thing I can think of now is the 
/tmp directory permissions. Since it works as root and not as an ordinary 
user maybe the /tmp permissions are messed up.

It's also strange that the error message mentions display 0 even though you 
tell it to use display 1. Maybe for some strange reason you have startx in 
two different locations and the root user sees different startx than the 
non-root user. Command 'which startx' should tell where startx lives.

Also to correct myself; it's minus not slash :).

// Heikki

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