On Mon, Dec 29, 1997 at 01:18:41AM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 28, 1997 at 03:15:38AM -0700, Jason and Heather wrote:
> > I'm trying to install Debian on my Digital P166, but it's hanging
> > hard right after the line:
> > 
> >   md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4 MAX_REAL=8
> > 
> > I've found a couple other reports of this in Dejanews, but no answers
> > to the problem...
> It's probably not the md driver which is hanging (it's fairly
> harmless hardware wise) but whatever comes after it. I don't
> know exactly what that may be, but it could be a SCSI adapter,
> network card, .. Which of these do you have? You might need to
> give parameters to the kernel to tell it their addresses etc
> to avoid hangs.

The stupid thing is, I have neither. (Even my CDROM is IDE, and now
that's not working under Windows, either.) I let it sit for half an
hour to see if it'd finally wake up, and nothing. Is there any way
to tell loadlin to throw linux into a verbose mode that might tell
me _what_ it's scanning?

This is really annoying.


 "The man who marries a modern woman marries a woman who expects to vote 
like a man, smoke like a man, have her hair cut like a man, and go without
        restrictions and without chaperones and obey nobody."
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