On Tue, Dec 30, 1997 at 07:58:51PM +0000, David Stern wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:53:50 PST, "G. Crimp" wrote:
> > So how about the HP 6L.  I've heard that it will work quite handily by
> > emulating a 4L.  Does anyone know what features of the 6L I'll be losing
> > by having it emulate a 4L ?
> I've heard the 6L works, but for the price I'm not impressed.  It's OK, 
> and it saves on space, and it's somewhat fast, but the reviews I read 
> said it had paper handling problems and the output didn't measure up to 
> what I would expect.  (It kinda looks funny, too! :-)
> That's why I mentioned the Brother, which I'd heard is a pretty good 
> buy.  I spent a little more on a 6MP.  But, if your budget is limited, 

I have a 5L; it was a tossup betwen the Brother HL 730 (I think that's
the number) and the 5L. The Brother seemed to offer straight through
paper path (while the 5L curls paper reasonably badly), and 6ppm,
but 600dpi only with GDI mode. The 5L was a bit more brand name, 4ppm,
600dpi on PCL, and a bit more expensive. Since then a couple of friends
have bought the Brother and been quite happy; I probably would have been
better off with that. (They don't use Linux though, but I think the Brother
is PCL too).

The 6L has 6ppm now which closes the gap a bit more.

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