On Tue, Dec 30, 1997 at 07:58:51PM +0000, David Stern wrote:
> Like Hamish said, some go both ways (GDI and host based), so the symbol 
> on the box isn't proof positive of exclusive GDI, however in this case 
> I confirmed with NEC that it was.  It is a nice printer, otherwise.
> > So how about the HP 6L.  I've heard that it will work quite handily by
> > emulating a 4L.  Does anyone know what features of the 6L I'll be losing
> > by having it emulate a 4L ?
> I've heard the 6L works, but for the price I'm not impressed.  It's OK, 
> and it saves on space, and it's somewhat fast, but the reviews I read 
> said it had paper handling problems and the output didn't measure up to 
> what I would expect.  (It kinda looks funny, too! :-)
> That's why I mentioned the Brother, which I'd heard is a pretty good 
> buy.  I spent a little more on a 6MP.  But, if your budget is limited, 
> check out that linux hardware group on usenet (comp.os.linux.hardware) 
> ..  I think you'll be glad you did.  I saw a number of active threads 
> regarding different printers last time I was there.

OK.  Guess I'd better get off to the newsgroups.  I was hoping I could
avoid that.  there is always so much trashy XXX and $$$$ stuff you have 
to download and sift through to get to the real on-topic posts.

Thanks everyone.  BTW, what does GDI mean ?


Gerald Crimp

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