
since about two weeks (christmas holidays) I spent day to day to get my
Debian system ready. I reached a point were my xserver works quite well,
running KDE to my satisfaction, but I still encounter some heavy
problems which I am unable to solve.

1) My printer (canon,bjc800) doesn't work. I tried magicfilter as well
as apsfilter (not installed the same time) but no chance, it doesn't
print just a single letter - any suggestions would be cordially
welcomed. :)

2)ISDN - I have a creatix 16.0 card. I wonder how can I load the HiSax
driver? With modconf just the telesdriver seems loadable ( what does
this mean:teles is old. use HiSax instead? Does this mean Debian uses
automaically HiSax instead or that it's up to me to install better
However I tried to built the telesmodul in the kernel but the system
refuses to load it with irq 15, and I don't know how to change the
irq.(command line doesn't worked either. Under Win95 the setting is okay
with irq 2.) I have downloaded the HiSax doku, but still wonder how it
works. I miss the "hisax.o" on my system, but where can I get it?
(Isdn4kutils installed)

Sorry, sounds probably a bit confusing, but I have no idea how to start
to fix it. I have read several manuals etc, but still don't find the
next step...

Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions

regards, Volker

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