On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Jeff Noxon wrote:

> > > pppd[24325]: pppd 2.3.2 started by LOGIN, uid 0
> > [...]
> > > pppd[24325]: rcvd [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="pierre" password="<censored>"]
> > > pppd[24325]: PAP authentication failure for pierre
> > > pppd[24325]: sent [PAP AuthNak id=0x1 "Login incorrect"]
> > > pppd[24325]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "Authentication failed"]
> > 
> > Still no luck, but I started to suspect something about PAM... 2.2.0f did
> > not use PAM, 2.3.2 seems to do so.... any ideas?
> I've tried with and without PAM (by not using the ppp-pam package).
> It made no difference.

So did I. But I still remember when last time tried the new upstream
version (2.3.xx) and this PAP auth from passwd NEVER EVER worked.

And I tell you... I downgraded AGAIN to 2.2.0f and the problem disappeared
again, now it works. But I badly need to upgrade somehow since 2.2.0f is
compiled against libc5 and this screws up wtmp no matter what wrapper is
installed... :-x 

> I've also tried to permit wildcard passwords, hardcoded passwords, etc.
> It does not appear to be related to PAM or password files, because it
> is not getting that far.

Well, true, since I did it as well. No PAM success.

> I never tried this with 2.2.0f.

It's in Bo.... original...

> I tried to RTFM, but TFM didn't have much information.  :-)  The HOWTO was
> not helpful either.

No, I doubt it's config error, since downgrading make it work and
upgrading make it stop. Ouch.

> Peter, have you asked the linux-ppp mailing list about this?

No, since I'm not familiar with that list... if you can, ask them, too...


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