On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:

> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Sir you are missing the point. Stop confusing the guy.
> Assuming, of course, that root never uses the xauth command.

I already got a mail from Jens containing phrases like "good point" etc. I
think either he just misunderstood me or I didn't make myself clear enough
the first time.

> >                                                           And, why
> > the hell would he want to use ssh? He's doing this on the same
> > frigging machine. He said he logged in with xdm right? Damn it I
> > hate it when people spread disinformation like this.
> It appears to me that in your rush to condemn Remco for not
> understanding what was going on you failed to realize what a usable,
> general, and elegant solution this root xterm is to the usual annoyance 
> of doing X stuff as root.  (and there's no danger of root ever writing 
> to ~user/.Xauthority)  Further, the command line given is aimed very
> clearly at a user trying to do root things on the same machine he's
> sitting at - ssh may be overkill, but there's not anything less
> comprehensive that handles Xauthority forwarding.  My assumption is
> that you saw "ssh" and missed the "localhost".

That was exactly my point. ssh _is_ overkill, but it is the only _useable_

> That Remco responded as civily as he did is one of the things that
> continues to amaze me about this list.

Thanks. I think that this is a very polite list that gives a reasonable
answer to any reasonable question, even for non-Debian issues. Like I said
before (on this list or another?), the Debian community is very fortunate
to have such a list.


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