For win95 I use:


On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Ivan Rojas wrote:

> Well, tanks to all that helped me last week with the lilo problem, but
> I'm stil in trouble with it.
> I got Lilo to boot, I mean when the computer starts lilo appears asking
> for what OS to launch. If I select Linux it goes ok, but if I select
> Win95 ( default ) it will launch lilo again!(??)
> My lilo.conf is:
> boot=/dev/hda1
> install=/kernel/boot/boot.b
> map=/kernel/boot/map
> delay=50
> timeout=70
> compact
> prompt
> default=Win95
> image=/kernel/boot/vmlinuz
>       root=/dev/hdb1
>       label=Linux
>       vga=normal
> other=Win95
>       label=Win95
>       loader=/kernel/boot/chain.b
> And my partitions:
> /dev/hda1 --> Win95
> /dev/hda2 --> Linux partition mounted in /kernel ( about 10 MBytes big
> at the end of hda )
> /dev/hdb --> Linux mounted in /
> I really appreciate any help.
> *--------------------------------------------------------*
> Ivan Rojas                         Liikkuva Systems Intl.
> R&D Engineer/Sys. Admin.
> *--------------------------------------------------------*
> --
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