On Fri, Jan 23, 1998 at 09:54:37PM +0500, Ian & Gill Watkins wrote:

You might want to try slrn/slrnpull


slrnpull has a very simple config file and will download only the groups
you want for reading offline with slrn.

I'm not sure if it's possible to just download headers though.

If you use this method though make sure you start slrn with "slrn --spool"

This very small /var/spool/slrnpull/slrnpull.conf file sets a default of
0 maxmessages which means no limit and an expiry time of 1 day

expire the messages with the command "slrnpull --expire" and grab news
simply by using "slrnpull".

default                         0       1
aus.computers.linux             0
comp.os.linux.misc              0
comp.unix.shell                 0
news.software.readers           0

my $HOME/.slrnrc file is
%set server_object "spool"
set spool_inn_root          "/var/spool/slrnpull"
set spool_root              "/var/spool/slrnpull/news"
set spool_nov_root          "/var/spool/slrnpull/news"
set read_active             1
set use_slrnpull            1
hostname                    "lynx.net.au"
username                    "jspence"

> Can anybody suggest a good off-line news-reader that I can use with Linux? 
> I'd prefer one that comes with the Debian distribution - I've looked at 
> Netscape, but don't like the interface, I'd prefer a text-based one.
> I just want to be able to connect to my news server, grab headers and 
> selected articles and post articles and any mail to my POP3 email server at 
> my ISP....
> I don't really want to set-up a full feed of the groups I get as I want to 
> keep my on-line time down....

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