Thanks for all you folks who replied to me regarding an off-line news 

I d/led slrn and configured it, but as a couple of you suspected it 
_doesn't_ support d/l of just headers and the picking of interesting 
articles. I can't afford to d/l all the newsgroups I keep up with - some 
of them have over 100 messages a day, so I'm still looking for a true 
off-line news reader like the one I have in Windows at the moment <g>

I had another look at Netscape, but when I was off-line it seemed to 
want to go to the server everytime I selected a new newsgroup (or just 
clicked on it). This was rather annoying (understatement), but I might 
have had something not setup quite right - or NS doesn't really do off-
line news reading....

If anybody else has any other suggestions I'll be glad to hear them...

Ian W
Karachi, Pakistan                             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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