On 11 Feb 1998, Stefan Berndtsson wrote:

> Leszek Gerwatowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Hi all, not really a debian question, so please excuse me if someone's
> > > bothered.  Is there any other SCSI cd writer supported by cdwrite (I have
> > > 2.0, any new release?) except hp, yamaha, philips and kodak? I have a
> > > teac r55s and it seems it's not supported. Is it really unsupported?
> > > Since it's so difficult to find external SCSI writers, I'd like to knmow
> > > it before I return the writer.  Yamaha looks like the only other chance
> > > available here. Any advice/model to avoid? 
> > 
> > First of all don't use cdwrite but cdrecord. Cdwrite isn't supported since
> > 2 years and author wrote that i wiil be no further version. Cdrecord is
> > new program (and much better) and best of all it supports your CD-Recorder
> > (since version 1.6a9). Cdrecord's homepage is at:
> > 
> > http://www.fokus.gmd.de/nthp/employees/schilling/cdrecord.html
> cdrecord (including 1.6a9) is using illegal code, which makes it impossible
> to compile on all versions of linux.
> small example, found in lib/format.c
> ------------------------
> va_list rargs;
> rargs = va_arg(args, va_list);
> ------------------------
> this is possible on linux/x86 because va_list is a void *
> on linux/ppc however, va_list is a struct, and handled by va_ppc.h
> and this makes compilation fail. 
> format() will need to be rewritten without a recursive use of va_list.
> /Stefan

Yes - it uses illegal code but it works (on Linux x86 machine)!

Leszek Gerwatowski
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