Leszek Gerwatowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > cdrecord (including 1.6a9) is using illegal code, which makes it impossible
> > to compile on all versions of linux.
> > 
> > small example, found in lib/format.c
> > 
> > ------------------------
> > va_list rargs;
> > 
> > rargs = va_arg(args, va_list);
> > ------------------------
> > 
> > this is possible on linux/x86 because va_list is a void *
> > 
> > on linux/ppc however, va_list is a struct, and handled by va_ppc.h
> > and this makes compilation fail. 
> > 
> > format() will need to be rewritten without a recursive use of va_list.
> > 
> > /Stefan
> > 
> Yes - it uses illegal code but it works (on Linux x86 machine)!

yes, and Linux/x86 isn't the entire world, and Debian isn't a project
for Linux/x86 exclusively.

That kind of attitude makes me truly sick..


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