On Thu, Feb 12, 1998 at 01:24:53AM -0800, Charles wrote:
>     I have had some problems with ppp, but fortunately my zip drive
> works wonderfully on my linux side.  I added the line:
> /dev/sda4              /zip          msdos   defaults    0       0 
> to my /etc/fstab file and the line:
> /dev/sda4 /zip msdos rw 0 0
> to my /etc/mtab file.
> I will attach copies of both of these files for your reference.
> Hope this helps you out, if not then email me and let me know.
> Charles
> BTW you can also mount it with the following script, but it gets
> monotonous typing it in all of the time
> cd /
> mkdir zip
> mount /dev/sda4 /zip

Thanks for your help Charles. Unfortunately I don't get as far
as being able to mount it -- the SCSI drivers don't load properly.
I have had this working in the past but not with recent Linux
beta kernels.

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