Hi there,
I just finish installing and setting my linux box, which wasn't a easy job
for a windows user :-) and then I decided to use PPP.
I install the module accordingly with the PPP-HOWTO but I'm missing the
ppp-on and ppp-off files.

I have no idea if I did something wrong, eventhough I didn't do much either.

But any ways, my question is: how can I put these files in my system? can I
just create them from the scratch using emacs or any editor? if that's so,
where can I get the file templates?

Please help me, I really want to try linux connected to internet, I've been
trying 4 months to setup this machine and right now I just can logon, mess
around and type "shutdown -r now". I'm starting to feel a little frustrated

Thanks a lot.


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