First, thanks to all the people that has posted to this thread.

Second, I want to explain some point here. I have Debian 1.3.1 with ppp
installed from the 1.3.1 cd ( ppp_2_2... don't remember ) and I found the
pon and poff files.

I checked my ppp.chatscript and ppp.options_out scripts according to the
sugestions here, but when I type pon I got nothing, and off course poff
returns "no pppd running".

I also tryed dialing directly to my ISP using minicom and I got this:
    Entering PPP Mode
    IP Address is
    MTU is xxxx

That's it!

I was told by my ISP tech. support that they use PAP. I think I modified the
options file according to the Robert Hart's howto ) but I may be wrong or I
just did it wrong! ( that's for sure! ;-)

Any ideas? Am I in the right path?

Thanks again to all of you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Leach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ivan & Ines Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Date: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: I need help

>I presume that you installed the 'bo' or stable release (ver 1.3.1) and
>that you installed close to the latest packages...
>ppp-on and ppp-off were replaced with /usr/bin/pon and /usr/bin/poff.
>Have you determined if your ISP uses PAP or CHAP?
>Do you have to login with a 'username' or 'account' and 'password'?
>Have you tried loggin in with a term program such as miniterm yet?
>Unfortunately, the HOWTOs were originally write almost exclusively from
>the standpoint of a Slackware distribution.  People using debian,
>redhat, caldera, unifix, (as far as I know even slackware now), and
>other distributions are sometime mislead in various ways by the HOWTOs.
>Debian, in particular differs from the the specifics of the HOWTO.  This
>deviation is not done 'just to be different' and indeed the entire Linux
>community often eventually adopts the 'debian way'.
>The debian effort is intended to produce a system that is upgradeable
>with minimum impact on your configuration (and thus on you!).  However,
>to do that usually requires that the debian distribution does things a
>little bit differently than some of the other distributions have done
>things in the past.
>Unlike DOS and a number of other operating systems, Unix/Linux is pretty
>famous for allowing users (and system administrators where applicable)
>to choose many different ways to accomplish a given task.
>As a practical matter, some restraint must be imposed upon system
>administration if it is to be possible to produce a package mainenance
>system that can upgrade packages while retaining the specific
>configuration that you choose to run.
>Thus, debian differs a bit from other distributions because alteration
>that you make to your system should comply with the 'debian way' or
>future upgrades could fail to properly install (in most of those cases
>you would have to do your configuration over again).
>from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
>"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
>         See!  They do get some things right!

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